– tagline or some short phrase –
Why Should I Be A Friend?
All spiritual and moral traditions teach us to help others. When we help others, we are also healing and developing ourselves. We appreciate any kind of help, be it time, expertise or money.
Benefits Of Being A Friend
You will be entitled to 10% discount on all activities organised by the Foundation.
You will be included in our mailing list and be informed of our activities.
You will receive our quarterly e-newsletter.
How To Be A Friend
Please download (link) the application form, complete it and email it back to us with the payment receipt. We will email you your Amici number.
Cost: minimum donation of €30 a year.
We always welcome help!
If you would like to help in some way, please read our Information for Volunteers (link) before you download the Volunteer Application Form. (link)
Please complete the form in your handwriting and email it back to us. We will respond to you within 2 weeks.
Giving expands both the heart and mind – it develops kindness, generosity and broadmindedness. Giving decreases ill fortune and creates good fortune, because what benefits others also benefits oneself. Giving helps us to let go; it teaches detachment and selflessness.
We appreciate donations of any amount – no sum is too small.
By bank transfer:
Bank name: Bancoposta
Account name: Fondazione Stella Polare Onlus
IBAN: IT93I0760117000001025614221
SWIFT BIC CODE for all other currencies: POSOIT22XXXX (through Banca Popolare di Sondrio)
By post office deposit through “bollettino postale”:
To: Fondazione Stella Polare Onlus
Bancoposta c/c n. 1025614221
By Paypal account: